Project Location: Singapore Products: SEAMLESS & LSAW PIPE Size: 168.3-711MM Standard: API 5L PSL2 X60N & X60M Application: oil pipe Inquiry time:10th July, 2023 Purchase time: 28th July, 2023 Shipping time: 31 Aug, 2023 Estimated Arrival time: 10 Sep, 2023 In current highly competitive market, efficient supply chain management has become particularly critical. A new customer in Singapore faced…
Read MoreProject location:New Zealand Product:ERW pipe, T-welded pipe, SSAW pipe Standard and material:AS1163 GR.350 Specifications:406,457,508,762,1067 Usage:Piling Inquiry time:2021.07.21 Order time:2022.09.23 Shipping time:2022.12.15 Arrival time:2023.01.29 Today, we are talking about the order from New Zealand, which is a piling project. Since July 2021, Xinyue’s business specialists have continued to follow up this order, regularly share the domestic steel price situation and…
Read MoreSAW pipe (Submerged Arc Welding Steel Pipe), it can be classified into longitudinal submerged arc welding steel pipe (LSAW steel pipe) and spiral submerged arc welding steel pipe (SSAW steel pipe). SAW is a manufacturing process using submerged arc welding of steel,this process produces high current density, which prevents the flux layer from losing heat quickly and concentrates in…
Read MoreProject location:Cote D’Ivorie Product:LSAW pipe welded with flange & plate Standard and material:EN10219 S355JR, EN10025 S235JR, EN1090-2 Specifications:DN400 – DN800, length in1-12m Usage:Steel prop for shoring Inquiry time:2022.6.22 Order time:2022.8.30 Shipping time:2022.12 Estimated arrival time:2023.2 At the end of June 2022, Tianjin Xinyue received an inquiry from a French customer for steel pipe processing parts. EN10219 S355JR steel pipe…
Read MoreYear: 2018 Country: Uganda Quantity: 3200MT Product: SSAW pipe and fitting Project: Uganda Water Power Station Coated Pipe Project Standard and Specification: API 5L PSL1 X42 3LPE
Read MoreYear: 2018 Country: Uganda Quantity: 1092MT Product: SSAW pipe, bends, special fittings Project: Ndugudu water power plant Standard and Specification: API 5L PSL1 X42 900MM
Read MoreYear: 2018 Country: Uganda Quantity: 1092MT Product: SSAW pipe+ bends Project: Uganda Ndugudu Water Power Plant Project Standard and Specification: API 5L PSL1 X42 900MM
Read MoreYear: 2020 Country:Egypt Quantity: 5188MT Product: SSAW pipe, pile sheet, clutch Project: Egypt Alex port Construction Project Standard and Specification: API 5L PSL1 X60 1200mm
Read MoreXINYUE STEEL GROUP set up several production bases in Tianjin & Hebei Province, manufacturing ERW Steel Pipe, SSAW Steel Pipe, LSAW Steel Pipe, Seamless Steel Pipe, Scaffolding system and couplers, RHS, SHS, etc.