Expanding New ProductsOffshore Container Supply for Oil Platforms

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:آذربائيجان


Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:ايس او او 10855 2018, DNVGL-ST-E271:2021

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:خارجي: 2991mmx2438mm x2591mm / اندروني: 2825mmx2352mm x2263mm

MAX GROSS: 10000ڪي جي

پيلوڊ: 7750ڪي جي

ريپل: 2250ڪي جي

درخواست:تيل پليٽ فارم

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:2024.7

هن حڪم ۾, Xinyue هڪ ڀيرو ٻيهر گراهڪن لاء هڪ نئين پيداوار وڌايو – 10تيل جي پليٽ فارمن لاءِ ايف ٽي آف شور ڪنٽينر, جنهن نه رڳو نئين گراهڪن جو اعتماد کٽيو, پر Xinyue جي ون-اسٽاپ شاپنگ سروس جي تصور کي پڻ وڌيڪ بهتر ڪيو. هن تعاون جي نئين گراهڪ هڪ مشهور مقامي تاجر آهي. The 10FT offshore container ordered is different from the conventional steel pipe products and belongs to the equipment products.

Since it is the first time to supply such container products, the Xinyue team found a professional supplier for quotation after receiving the customer’s order, and continued to learn new product knowledge in the supply process, enrich more equipment container product standards, and strive to provide customers with high quality and high standard products. The product was tested and certified by the classification society, and successfully sent to the destination port through the customer’s audit. Xinyue team continues to expand the oil and gas supply chain, to create a professional one-stop service for customers.

ڪيلي طرفان لکيل آهي