معيار جي ضمانت, Xinyue Scaffolding Fasteners وچ ايشيا تائين پهچايو

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:يورپ

پيداوار:Scaffolding Forged Couplers

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو: بي ايس 1139

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:48.3ايم ايم

درخواست: distribution

وڪرو نالو:2023-11

آرڊر هن ڀيري متعارف ڪرايو ويو آهي هڪ عالمي سطح تي مشهور اسڪافولڊنگ ڪپلر سپلائر کان, جنهن جو هيڊ ڪوارٽر جرمني ۾ آهي, دنيا جي مختلف ملڪن ۾ پکڙيل آفيسن سان. انهن جي پيداوار وڏي پيماني تي تعمير ۾ استعمال ٿيندا آهن, انجنيئرنگ, ۽ ٻيا ڪيترائي شعبا.

شراڪت جي شروعات: Xinyue began its collaboration with this customer in 2019. Prior to formal collaboration, we sent samples for the customer to test. This testing was the first step in establishing the partnership, ensuring that our products met the customer’s requirements.

Successful Testing: After rigorous testing, our products successfully met the customer’s acceptance standards. Upon passing the test, we commenced providing scaffolding coupler products to meet their project needs on a global scale. This marked the beginning of Xinyue’s collaboration with the customer and the foundation for a long-term partnership.

Long-term Collaboration: Since our collaboration’s inception, Xinyue has been dedicated to maintaining and developing this partnership. Our team maintains close communication with the customer to ensure they receive timely support and high-quality products. We actively listen to customer feedback, continuously improving our products and services to meet their evolving demands.

The Value of Collaboration: This collaboration holds profound significance not only for Xinyue but also for the customer. Through our partnership, they gain access to reliable scaffolding couplers, supporting efficient and safe project execution. Our products not only adhere to international standards but also undergo strict quality control, ensuring outstanding performance in various environments.

This successful collaboration case illustrates Xinyue’s enduring mission: to promote the development of the steel industry and represent China’s manufacturing. We take pride in providing excellent products and services to our customers and are grateful for their trust and support over the years. We look forward to future collaborations and continued success in the scaffolding coupler industry.

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