Raw material and production process of steel

In daily life, people always refer to steel and iron together as “acier”. It can be seen that steel and iron should be a kind of substance; in fact, from a scientific point of view, steel and iron have a little Different, their main components are all iron, but the amount of carbon contained is different. We usually callpig ironwith a carbon content above 2%, et “acier” with a carbon content below this value. Par conséquent, in the process of smelting iron and steel, iron-containing ore is first smelted into molten pig iron in a blast furnace (blast furnace), and then the molten pig iron is put into a steelmaking furnace to be refined into steel. et c'est une réglementation formulée pour assurer de manière plus fiable la sécurité des travailleurs, acier (steel billet or strip) is used to make steel pipes, par example, carbon steel billets can be made into steel pipes with hollow sections through hot rolling and cold rolling processes (carbon steel seamless tubes)

Le processus de fabrication des tubes en acier sans soudure est principalement divisé en deux grandes étapes:

1. Laminage à chaud (tube en acier sans soudure extrudé): billette de tube rond → chauffage → perçage → laminage croisé à trois rouleaux, laminage continu ou extrusion →décapage →calibrage (ou réduire) →refroidissement →redressage →test hydraulique (ou détection de défauts) →marquage →stockage

2. Étiré à froid (roulé) tube en acier sans soudure: ébauche de tube rond → chauffage → perçage → en-tête → recuit → décapage → huilage (cuivrage)→ étirage à froid multi-passes (laminage à froid)→ tube vierge → traitement thermique → redressage → test hydrostatique (détection de défauts) →marquage →stockage.

The raw materials needed for the production of iron and steel are divided into four categories and discussed separately: the first category discusses various iron-containing ore raw materials; the second category discusses coal and coke; The flux (or flux) of slag, such as limestone, etc.; the last category is various auxiliary raw materials, such as scrap steel, oxygène, etc.