باقاعده آسٽريليا گراهڪ ٻيهر ERW اسٽيل پائپ آرڊر

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:آسٽريليا

پيداوار:ERW اسٽيل پائپ

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:100NB-750NB

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:API 5L GRB / ASTM A53 GRB/AS1163 GR350LO / API 5L GRX42


وڪرو نالو:جولاءِ, 2023

This order is still for welded pipes supplied to well-known local inventory clients in Australia. This customer has been cooperating with Xinyue for over decades and has not had any quality issues. After years of cooperation, the customer’s recognition of Xinyue brand’s steel pipe products is extremely high. So over the years, orders have been continuously sent to Xinyue. يقينا, the continuous turnover of orders not only stems from customersrecognition of quality, but also from the service of Xinyue’s excellent sales. Xinyue service always runs through the entire process of order execution.

Although we have cooperated for many times, we still carefully confirm every detail with customers in advance every time from their inquire, such as product specifications, طول و عرض, appearance, packaging, ۽ ايئن. No matter how many times we cooperate, after each order placed by the customer, we will hold a pre-production meeting with the Technical, Quality inspection, Production, Logistics and other Departments, and mark each details on our production scheduling and inspection files. Even during the painting and label parts, اسان اڳ ۾ تصديق لاء ڪسٽمر کي مواد موڪلي ويندي. سامان تيار ٿيڻ کان پوء, معيار جي معائنو ٽيم احتياط سان انسپيڪشن لسٽ موجب ڪسٽمر جي هر گهرج چيڪ ڪندو. امتحان پاس ڪرڻ کان پوء, اهي فعال طور تي ڪسٽمر پراڊڪٽ جي چڪاس جون تصويرون موڪليندا, مجموعي پيڪنگنگ تصويرون, ۽ MTC, ۽ پوءِ بندرگاهه تي پهچائڻ جو بندوبست ڪريو.

Tianjin Xinyue اسٽيل گروپ–توهان جو قابل اعتماد فراهم ڪندڙ, اسان هميشه توهان جي انڪوائري جي منتظر آهيون.

اسان محنت ڪري رهيا آهيون هر گراهڪ جي خدمت ڪرڻ لاءِ!

Xinyue ماڻهو خلوص دل سان توهان سان ڪم ڪرڻ لاء اڳتي نظر اچن ٿا!

سوفيا پاران لکيل آهي