سيمينٽ اسٽيل پائپ تائيوان چين تائين پهچايو

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو: تائيوان,چين

پيداوار:SMLS پائپ


معياري مواد:ASTM A53 Gr.B

درخواست: شهر جي تعمير جي منصوبي لاء استعمال ڪيو

Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:2024.6

اسان جي قيام کان وٺي, Xinyue مستحڪم پيداوار جي معيار لاء اسٽيل صنعت ۾ چڱي طرح سڃاتو وڃي ٿو. ملڪي ۽ غير ملڪي مارڪيٽن کان سواء, Xinyue هڪ سٺي شهرت حاصل ڪئي آهي, تنهن ڪري پراڻا گراهڪ اڪثر اسان سان آرڊر ڪندا آهن. هن سال مئي ۾, اسان تائيوان ۾ پراڻن گراهڪن کان پڇا ڳاڇا حاصل ڪئي, چين. Xinyue’s high-quality delivery standards and strict control of delivery time have made our products very popular in Taiwan, and the customer’s inventory is on hot sale.

The delivery time of this order is very tight. The customer ordered seamless tubes for urban construction, which has high requirements for the quality of the product. Xinyue production department cooperated with the quality inspection team to complete the production and shipment in the shortest time on the basis of ensuring quality. Customers have highly affirmed our products and delivery date, and indicated that we will continue to join hands with Xinyue in the future to promote cross-strait development!

Written by Carol