Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:Damman Product:SSAW STEEL PIPE WELDED WITH SHOES Standard and material:ASTM A252 GR 3 خاصيت: ڊي اين 600, 32ايم, 40ايم ايپليڪيشن:Foundation Piles We have once again partnered with a long-trusted client to jointly advance a crucial pile project. During this collaboration, we successfully overcame logistical challenges, achieving seamless transportation of 40-meter ultra-long piles within Tianjin, and all products have passed…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXINYUE اسٽيل گروپ Tianjin ۾ ڪيترن ئي پيداوار bases قائم & هيبي صوبو, پيداوار ERW اسٽيل پائپ, SSAW اسٽيل پائپ, LSAW اسٽيل پائپ, Seamless نديم پائپ, affاھڻ جو نظام ۽ ڪپلر, آر ايS ايس, SHS, وغيره.