Xinyue تنگ گھيرو ٽوڙيو:نائيجيريا جي پيداوار:Tank accessory Standard and material:A36 Specifications:Steel Plate Usage:Tank With the acceleration of industrialization in Africa and the rapid development of industries such as energy, ڪيميائي, ۽ انفراسٽرڪچر, the demand for high-quality storage tanks and their accessories is continuously growing. Xinyue, leveraging its exceptional product quality and technical expertise, has successfully provided customers with customized storage solutions. جي…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXINYUE اسٽيل گروپ Tianjin ۾ ڪيترن ئي پيداوار bases قائم & هيبي صوبو, پيداوار ERW اسٽيل پائپ, SSAW اسٽيل پائپ, LSAW اسٽيل پائپ, Seamless نديم پائپ, affاھڻ جو نظام ۽ ڪپلر, آر ايS ايس, SHS, وغيره.