جيس جي 3461 is a Japanese Industrial Standard for carbon steel boiler tubes used in high-temperature applications. These tubes are widely used in power generation and other industrial applications where high-pressure steam or hot water is required. Xinyue Steel is a leading manufacturer and supplier of JIS G 3461 boiler tubes that are known for their high-quality and durability….
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue اسٽيل اسٽيل پائپ جو هڪ اهم ڪارخانو آهي جنهن ۾ مصنوعات جو هڪ وسيع سلسلو شامل آهي جنهن ۾ بيحد اسٽيل ٽيوب شامل آهن, ويلڊ اسٽيل پائپ, ۽ مخالف corrosion اسٽيل پائپ. انهن مان, the GOST 3872 seamless steel tube is one of their most popular products due to its high quality and reliability. GOST 3872 is a Europe standard for seamless cold-drawn steel tubes….
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue Steel has established itself as a leading supplier of steel pipes and tubes to various industries worldwide. The company’s products are known for their quality, استحڪام, ۽ versatility. Xinyue Steel’s steel pipes and tubes are used in various applications in both onshore and offshore projects. One of the most significant applications of Xinyue Steel’s pipes and tubes is…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue اسٽيل galvanized scaffolding ٽيوب جي هڪ معروف فراهم ڪرڻ وارو آهي, جيڪي وڏي پئماني تي تعميراتي علائقن ۾ سپورٽ ۽ استحڪام لاءِ استعمال ٿين ٿا. ٽيوب تي لوڻ واري ڪوٽنگ corrosion ۽ زنگ جي خلاف اضافي تحفظ فراهم ڪري ٿي, ڪنهن به تعميراتي منصوبي لاءِ هڪ ڊگهي پائيدار ۽ مضبوط بنياد کي يقيني بڻائڻ. هن مضمون ۾, we will explore the benefits of Xinyue Steel’s galvanized scaffolding tube and…
وڌيڪ پڙهوCircular Hollow Section (CHS) is a type of hollow steel section that is widely used in construction, انجنيئرنگ, and manufacturing industries. Its circular shape and uniform strength properties make it an excellent choice for various structural applications. As a leading manufacturer of steel pipes and tubes, Xinyue Steel offers a wide range of CHS that can be customized to…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue Steel’s galvanized steel tube is a high-quality product that is widely used in various industries due to its excellent corrosion resistance and durability. The galvanization process involves coating steel with a layer of zinc, which provides a protective barrier against rust and other forms of corrosion. One of the key benefits of using Xinyue Steel’s galvanized steel tube…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXinyue’s Circular hollow sections (CHS) are a popular type of steel section used in construction projects. They are also known as round hollow sections, or simply as tubes. CHS have a circular cross-section and are commonly used in a range of applications due to their strength, استعداد, ۽ جمالياتي اپيل. One of the main advantages of Xinyue’s CHS is…
وڌيڪ پڙهوڪاربان اسٽيل ٽيوب کي ڪٽڻ جا ڪيترائي طريقا آهن, جهڙوڪ oxyacetylene گئس ڪٽڻ, هوائي پلازما ڪٽڻ, ليزر جي ذريعي ڪٽڻ, تار ڪٽڻ, وغيره, ڪاربان اسٽيل ڪٽي سگھي ٿو. اتي چار عام ڪٽڻ جا طريقا آهن: (1) شعاع ڪٽڻ جو طريقو: هي ڪٽڻ جو طريقو گهٽ ۾ گهٽ آپريٽنگ خرچ آهي, پر وڌيڪ سيال سيمينٽ ٽيوب استعمال ڪري ٿو ۽ ڪٽڻ جو معيار خراب آهي. ان ڪري, manual flame…
وڌيڪ پڙهوXINYUE اسٽيل گروپ Tianjin ۾ ڪيترن ئي پيداوار bases قائم & هيبي صوبو, پيداوار ERW اسٽيل پائپ, SSAW اسٽيل پائپ, LSAW اسٽيل پائپ, Seamless نديم پائپ, affاھڻ جو نظام ۽ ڪپلر, آر ايS ايس, SHS, وغيره.