پل جي تعمير سان لاڳاپيل معاون مصنوعات جو ٻيو بيچ ڪاميابي سان فلپائن ۾ پهچي چڪو آهي: آسٽريليا
خاصيت: DN200-DN1350
معياري & گريڊ:ASTM API 5L GR.B
درخواست: water transmission project construction
اندازي مطابق شپنگ وقت:آڪٽوبر, 2023
هن منصوبي لاء گراهڪ آسٽريليا ۾ هڪ طاقتور واپاري آهي, ۽ پراڊڪٽ مقامي فائر واٽر ڪنوينس پروجيڪٽ ۾ استعمال لاءِ آهي. جڏهن اهو اچي ٿو باهه کان بچاء واري پاڻي جي شين جي, standard requirements should not be underestimated, and quality must be rigorously controlled. Simultaneously, the product categories for this batch of orders are diverse, encompassing various sizes of steel pipes, flanges, and pipe fittings. It is imperative that all construction phases are completed within a 20-day timeframe. Faced with these challenges, Xinyue has devised a plan that integrates current inventory with new production. A dedicated and efficient team has been appointed to ensure the timely completion of all production tasks, هڪ سان 100% success rate in passing third-party inspections.
The initial successful collaboration between the parties has fostered mutual trust and confidence, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation. It is anticipated that Xinyue’s steel products will establish a strong presence in various industries in Australia, contributing to the enhancement of their reputation and bringing further acclaim to the Made in China.
Written by Xinyue Steel